Sunday, September 20, 2015

Google Tools

This week I wanted to share a couple Google Tools I found useful/engaging.  The first tool is ZygoteBody, formerly known as Google Body.  ZygoteBody allows the user to explore the human body and its various systems.  ZygoteBody includes both a male and female model that can be manipulated and moved to better explore.  ZygoteBody is free; however, there are certain features that are only available with a premium membership.  Premium memberships can be purchased for $4 per month, or at a discounted rate of $38 per year.  Check out the video below for more information!

Another Google Tool I was able to explore this week is Google Story Builder.  Google Story Builder is a fun new way to tell a story!  It looks just like typing on a word processor.  It allows you to easily add new characters and even music to your story.  Google Story Builder can be a fun and engaging classroom tool for summarizing and story telling.  Check out the video below for more information, or click here to view my Google Story and get started on your own!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Customized Search Engines

Internet searches provide users with a wealth of knowledge at their finger tips.  Search engines can be powerful research tools, but they can also be overwhelming for students who are not yet able to discern valuable information from junk.  Custom search engines provide teachers the ability to limit where their students can look for information.  Custom search engines also allow for a more focused and safe approach to student research.  Click here for more information about creating your own custom search engine!

Because Science changes so quickly, I have found it necessary to supplement my curriculum with internet sources.  To help refine student searches, I have created a custom search engine to help guide my students to school appropriate and educational sites.  Check it out below!

Tips and Tricks for Maximizing Gmail

I don't know about you, but my inbox can go from empty to absurd in a matter of minutes! I receive hundreds of emails a day from a variety of senders and I do not have time to spend sifting through them all.  I needed a solution and I believe I have found it!  That solution is a combination of using plus addressing with my existing email address and applying filters.

I recently discovered I can alter my existing gmail account to customize it for various purposes.  For example, instead of using my original gmail account, I can use to sign up for educational sites!  The emails I receive from the sites I sign up for using this email will still find their way to my original gmail account.  You can view the video below for more information on using plus addressing with your existing gmail account to create unlimited email addresses.

Using plus addressing is only part of the organized inbox solution.  The second part involves setting up filters to organize your incoming mail.  Going back to my previous example of using mygmail+education to sign up for educational sites, I can set up a filter to recognize this specific email address.  By applying filters, I can organize my inbox into easy to find and access categories.  View the video below for more information on how to set up filters in your inbox!

I hope you found these tips as useful as I did!